Lunes, Pebrero 20, 2012



         is the theory that the price of an object or condition is determined by the sum of the cost of the resources that went into making it. The cost can compose any of the factors of production (including labour, capital, or land) and taxation.

DAY 1: FEBRUARY 10, 2012 (friday)

Left to right facing in front: Zuhari Singgon, Irene Fudolino, Imee Paquibot, Joyce Dillera, Althea Deniega, Alyah Salik, Edrianne Dan
After our class, our group gathered together to start our first session and to formulate ideas for our role play. We talked about our possible presentation which is related to our chosen topic- The Cost of  Production.
The following were the "teleseryes" that we have discussed during this day:

  • Budoy
  • E-boy
  • Spongebob
  • Glee
  • My Binondo Girl
  • Walang Hanggan
After brainstorming of some ideas, we come up with these source of presentation.

 ~ Maria La Del Barrio

 ~ Dora the Explorer

 ~ Kuya Kim

We only have a short time to discuss about our possible presentation so JC Baguio, our leader decided that she will be the one to create a script out of our chosen ideas. Finally, we dismissed our session.

DAY 2: FEBRUARY 11, 2012 (saturday)

This is the list of the group members that attended our second meeting. On this day, we found out  that JC Baguio, our leader was one of the finalists in the search for Mr. and Ms. Ambassador 2012. And because of that, all we did was to make some props and check the attendance.

We were trying to make a furniture out of a manila paper. How was that possible? But because of our creativity, we were able to make a nice furniture out of scratch materials.

DAY 3: FEBRUARY 13, 2012 (monday)

This was the script that our leader made. This was a 6 pages script, all written in English. Imagine that? How can we memorize all of this? 

This day was all about props making. We were all busy doing our props while others were reading the script. Thank God our teacher gave us the whole period to do our practices. We already completed our script which was made by Jc Baguio. The whole meeting was alloted for props making because we decided to have our practice on the following day. 

DAY 4: FEBRUARY 14, 2012 (tuesday)

Its valentines day. Everyone were excited about flowers and gift giving between lovers. This day was filled with love. While everyone were doing there dates and all stuffs for valentines, our group was busy for practice. This was our first ever practice for the role play. Others can't memorize there lines while others were shy.  We were afraid because we knew that our group was not yet ready for the presentation. It took us until evening just to practice the role play. 

DAY 5: FEBRUARY 15, 2012 (wednesday)

This day was so nerve wracking. We realized that we still have a lot of things to do and we do not have enough time. We were all nervous because we knew that we were not ready for it so, we  did our last minute practice just to polish things up. In fact, a few of us didn't attend some of our subjects just to practice for the role play. 

In addition, our props were not yet done because we lack materials. Everything was a mess. Our group experienced cramming because things were not falling into places. But still, we have to do our part and present a good show. 

We provided you a video of our presentation:

So what can we say?

Our group didn't feel any contentment on our presentation. As you can see on our video, we didn't perform well and we all had a big question mark on our faces. The audio was not on time, we were reading our scripts as we perform and all the things that we should not be doing. We didn't know what to do. We let ourselves led by fear and not thought of the things that would make our group grow. As what our professor said, our group lacks teamwork. With all the negative feed backs, we still managed to smile. This experience will serve as lessons to do good the next time we would be given the same task.

The Casts

Jc Baguio (leader) a.k.a Vanessa (Vicotria's daughter)
Irene Fudolino a.k.a Vicotira de la Vega
Zuhari Singgon a.k.a Ferdinand, Bohoy Abunda
Alyah Salik a.k.a Maria
Jehza Huelar a.k.a Sandra (Maria's mother), Ms. Cris P. Pata
Joyce Dillera a.k.a Sasha (Maria's secretary)
Edrianne Dacumos a.k.a Kuya Kim
Shayne Saguid a.k.a Doray, judge
Hamli Lumambas a.k.a priest, attorney
Althea Deniga a.k.a Boots; Ms. Wa
Imee Paquibot - Jenny (Victoria's secretary)